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Document Management 101

The Top 20 Use Cases for a Document Management System

Whether you’re looking for efficiency gains and cost savings in one area, or want to streamline workflows across your organization, DocuXplorer is infinitely flexible and customizable.

April 21, 2023

Male office worker's hands typing on laptop.

Sometimes it’s hard for people to envision how DocuXplorer (DX) can help their organization—there are simply too many use cases for a document management system (DMS). In a way, an advanced DMS is similar to spreadsheet software. It has basic functions (spreadsheets create tables, document management systems store records). But when you really dig into features, the configurations and tools are nearly endless, and so are the ways it can help meet your goals. Our clients use different combinations of DX tools to gain efficiency and reduce operational costs. Here’s a list of the top 20 most common use cases for DocuXplorer.

Use cases for an advanced Document Management System (DMS)

  1. Document Repository: This is the most basic function of a DMS. While having a single source of truth is a best practice and a crucial first step, how your repository is organized is also important. Otherwise, people still waste time looking for the information. A proper taxonomy set-up is a custom filing system that organizes information for how your business works. It also lays the foundation for nearly every use case that follows.

  2. Document Retention Requirements: Every business must dispose of records after a certain number of years to assure regulatory compliance and to protect sensitive information. With a document management system, you can set up tracking and notifications. For example, a monthly email reminder can list all the documents due for disposal.

  3. Internal Policy Review: Set up a rule to receive periodic notifications when organizational policies are due for review. For collaborative reviews, track changes and versions with timestamped user logs.

  4. Accounts Payable Approvals: DocuXplorer can monitor an email inbox for bills, then file them and route them to the right team members for approval and payment. Automating these processes can save your team hundreds of hours of work per week.

  5. Automatic Record Extraction: Eliminate manual data entry with optical character recognition (OCR) and AI technology. DocuXplorer can file and tag documents with indexing information. For example, when a new bill arrives, DocuXplorer can automatically extract the vendor, date, and amount owed, then file this information for quick access.

  6. Purchase Order Approvals: Staff can scan, upload, or email their POs into the DMS. Custom rules can then automatically sort documents, and route them for approval and payment.

Pro Tip: Dealing with a backlog of physical records? DocuXplorer’s scanning services can get you up to speed quickly and painlessly.

  1. Photo Documentation: Do you or your clients need photographic proof of delivery or damage? Set up a monitored email account that automatically files images with the appropriate client records. If you like, set up notifications to your own inbox to let you know when these photos arrive.

  2. Contract Management: Use the DocuSign integration within DocuXplorer to send out contracts for signature, then add on automatic filing. Set reminders when contracts are ready for renewal or about to expire.

  3. Hiring: Monitor email accounts for applications and track application status and approvals within and across departments.

  4. Human Resources Tracking: Organize paperwork for onboarding new hires and offboarding former employees—both policy information and required forms. Set reminders to update records, like driver’s licenses or certifications, before they expire. Track performance reviews and pay raises, or company assets like laptops and vehicles.

  5. Client Onboarding: Create a templated folder to ensure all new clients complete the required paperwork. Set expiration dates to trigger reminders or approval processes.

  6. Compliance: DocuXplorer tracks every user’s action so there’s a clear picture of who made which changes, and when. With granular permissions, you control who has access to sensitive information.

  7. Asset Management: A DMS isn’t just for digital records. It’s an ideal system for tracking physical assets, hardware, vehicle fleets, or serial numbers—with reminders for inspection or review. Our clients track everything from passwords, to seed planting schedules, to lab testing. DocuXplorer’s customizable indexing information allows an infinite number of management configurations.

  8. Reduce Double Data Entry: Stop copying and pasting records into accounting, CRM, or ERP applications. DocuXplorer has pre-built integrations with Microsoft Office, QuickBooks, and DocuSign to amplify productivity. Or, build your own with our open API. Need help? Our consulting services can advise or build integrations for you.

  9. Stress-Free Audits: Easily query requested records and remotely share the resulting report with your auditor. Or, issue a login to DX and set permissions so they access only required information. 

    Find out how our client, Penny, went from dreading audits to seeing them as a simple task.

  10. Mobile Approvals: Need to approve a record (like an invoice) on the go? Reply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in an email to update a document’s status and trigger the next steps in the workflow. Outside parties, like vendors or clients, can also give approval remotely.

  11. Getting Buy-In: If your colleagues resist learning a new DMS interface, set up monitoring and automatic filing. They can continue to add records where they like (a Windows folder, in email, or an online storage folder, for example). DocuXplorer will monitor and automatically file any new information for a seamless system transition.

  12. Accurate Filing: Mistakes happen, and usually the consequences rear their head at the worst possible time. By creating business rules to automate where files are stored, you can save time and eliminate filing errors.

  13. Institutional Memory: When employees leave, new hires often have to puzzle together procedures and figure out where everything is. DocuXplorer eliminates the guesswork so losing an employee doesn’t mean losing organizational knowledge.

  14. Productivity and Focus: Are you bombarded with requests that disrupt your concentration multiple times each day? Schedule time to focus on a repetitive activity, like approving invoices or POs. DX can collect and report records as a batch. This lets you set a routine for daily, weekly, or monthly approvals to boost productivity.

DocuXplorer tools are infinitely flexible and customizable. That’s why they help—whether you’re looking for efficiency gains and cost savings in one area, or want to streamline workflows across your organization. Our consultants make sure set up is smooth and tailored to your needs. And because DX tools can work in isolation or in combination, use cases for your document management system are limited only by your ingenuity.

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