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Cure Your Folder Burnout with DocuXplorer’s Linking Documents

Document management system features like linking enable seamless connections across files and folders. Streamline your document organization for swift searchability and hassle-free audits without the clutter.

May 21, 2024

Female engineer in front of a computer

This is your new favorite tool in document management.

Organizing your files can be done in a myriad of ways, and this can get confusing. Have you ever been working with a certain document, but then you need to dig up another associated document? 

Your documents likely share certain data; at some point, you’ll need to access a consolidated view of related files. However, not all related documents can live together in the same place—it would be chaotic. 

Linking documents is an easy way to connect files across years, file types, services rendered, and any other data set you can imagine. It doesn’t matter where your documents are saved. You can use this tool to associate multiple documents with each other and perform granular searches to find exactly what you need without thinking about how things are organized.

Traverse the business logic of file organization and reduce folder frustration with DocuXplorer’s document linking capability. 

Why link documents?

In many software applications, you must choose one way to organize your data - and then you’re stuck with that until you decide to overhaul your file structure. But with a sophisticated DMS like DocuXplorer, you’ll use document linking to connect your related files so you can find what you need on the fly.

Instead of creating multiple folders and filing copies of the same document all over the place, you can link your documents across the system using one of two methods:

  1. Create a unique identifier, a.k.a. an index field. This will kick-start an automated process in which your DMS will continue to link documents by this identifier without you having to do anything until you tell it not to.
  2. Manually link documents using a special business rule or do it ad hoc. Ad hoc linking means you’ll create a kind of digital clipboard and tell your DMS to associate all the included documents.

Document linking also makes your audit procedures infinitely easier. You’ll have a secure audit trail and can quickly pull everything your auditor needs. You’ll maintain full control of your documentation and avoid the risks and headaches of misfiled or lost documents.

document linked to different folders

Use cases for document linking

  • You’re a lender filing a loan application. The lendee submits financial statements, signed contracts, appraisals, surveys, insurance invoices, etc. Rather than figuring out whether to save them all under the client’s name or with similar file types, you create a designation, such as a project number or code, to link the document types, the client name, and any other relevant information you want to cross-track. 

  • You’re an IT manager wanting to spend $10K on new servers. Instead of going to accounting and getting a purchase order approved, you construct a document for the project and assign it a unique identifier. When invoices need to be paid, accounting sees they are associated with this special request. The AP department can query all project documents and invoices tied to the project and generate a consolidated view or run a report from one place.

  • You’re a school administrator who needs to track hundreds or thousands of student records, in addition to student outcomes data, to meet accountability reporting requirements and inform school and district goals. Do you organize files by year, student, or record type? With document linking, you can use a simple search query to pull related files in minutes. 

Making less work for you

Ultimately, document linking simplifies finding what you need, and simplicity is key! 

Document management system features like linking documents will make your file organization smarter and more easily manageable, giving you operational consistency while still allowing you to be flexible.

As part of your onboarding and training with DocuXplorer, you’ll learn how to link your documents to optimize business operations. A smart file structure will underpin your processes and save you a ton of time. This is the power of linking documents.

What else can DocuXplorer do?