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Document Management 101

Ditch the Paper Trail: Rethinking Document Storage

Advancements in document management make digital document storage more secure, accessible, and cost-effective.

May 14, 2024

stacks of files

Go paperless and say hello to maximum efficiency.

Hard copies have held a special place in business. Even as digital document storage began to rise in popularity, hard copies were valued more than digital ones because it was widely believed that digital copies were not as reliable, safe, or secure. 

This is no longer the case with advanced document management software, and hard copies are not as necessary in today’s business landscape. Even if you deal with signed documents, digital signature programs offer legally binding digital copies through encrypted technology.

Digital information management provides the storage, organization, and business process capabilities you need while costing you less space, time, and money. 

Why digital works

It's easy to understand why businesses have embraced document management software. Consider what you have to do to back up a single document. You make physical copies of that document and need a safe place to store them. To make one copy, you must consume twice the resources and use twice the space as the original.

Physical file organization and retention will become more burdensome as your business grows. A digital system facilitating task automation delivers efficiency and productivity you can’t get from manual filing.

With a paperless office, you reduce your organization’s environmental impact. Digital filing and storage significantly decrease the need for paper, conserving natural resources and reducing waste. The shift to digital processes aligns with corporate social responsibility initiatives and proves an organization’s commitment to innovation.

Find. Secure. Grow.

Imagine you have to dig up a paper file on a client. This may require a trip to a storage facility and sifting through stacks of boxes, and if the files aren’t organized correctly, tearing apart every file to find the document you need. Digital storage can be searched in seconds using any computer, and even old archival files can be accessed as easily as new ones.

Processing documents in a digital system means no more printing, scanning, and filing. Your DMS will track and file your documents and let you know when something requires your attention.

Paperless office solutions also offer unparalleled data security compared to traditional systems. By backing up files in-house or utilizing cloud servers with robust storage capabilities and built-in backups, digital documents become inherently more resilient to loss or destruction. Properly managed and archived digital files are safe while being easily accessible. In a disaster, such as a fire or flooding, digital documents remain intact and retrievable, ensuring business continuity and mitigating the risk of data loss.

Document management software ensures everyone can access what they need when needed, without leaving their desks, a perfect solution for seamless remote working. 

File management systems easily adapt to increasing volumes of documents and changing organizational needs, ensuring your company remains effective.

Investing in your business’s future

Hard copies have become more of a liability than an asset in today's workplace. Managing content in digital form is much more effective and enables your business to focus on providing better service.

​​Implementing robust document management maintains your competitive edge. Efficient organization and sharing streamline your teams’ workflows, and this agility and responsiveness to your people’s needs will give you an ROI of improved collaboration, customer service, and innovation.

By embracing digital document management, businesses become more resilient and position themselves for success.


What: Digital document management involves transitioning from physical paper documents to electronic files stored and managed using software or cloud services. This shift allows for easier access, storage, and retrieval of information. In a nutshell, going paperless will save you time and money and make your work easier.

Why: Going digital will make everything easier! Your data will be more secure, easier to back up, and more accessible. Your organization will reduce resource consumption since you won’t need the physical infrastructure to house files. You’ll spend much less time searching for documents, increasing your efficiency and productivity.

How: Using DocuXplorer to transition to a paperless office means you’ll have expert help getting set up with the software. You can choose your file configuration, storage options, permissions, and integrations - everything will be tailored to your business processes.